We are located in the Enrollment Management and Admissions office, call or schedule an appointment to learn about the admissions process for graduate study at UNT Dallas.
Graduate Enrollment Office
University of North Texas at Dallas
7300 Houston School Rd.
Dallas, TX 75241
(p) 972.780.3621
(f) 972.780.3636
email: dallasgraduateservices@unt.edu
The proposed mission of the University of North Texas at Dallas is to enhance access to high quality education, and to prepare students to become exemplary citizens who can assume leadership positions in a global environment. Our mission is accomplished through an interdisciplinary approach to teaching and learning, the pursuit of innovative research and technologies, and a commitment to improve the quality of life through civic engagement. Our teaching, research, and civic engagement will be conducted in an environment guided by respect for and understanding of diverse viewpoints and the core values of virtue, civility, reasoning, and accountability.